Thursday, August 2, 2012

"Take Your Mark..."

The famous last words heard before "greatness" is achieved... "Take Your Mark."

Now is my moment... This is it.  I've had it with the excuses.  I know I can achieve freedom from my disease, disorder, struggle, and quite frankly - sin.  I'm tired of not living my life sold out for Christ and not letting Christ fully live in me so I can redeem my freedom from weight, self-image issues, and laziness.

So, I am going to embark on this journey with all of you... my cheerleaders, my friends, my sister (and maybe brothers) who struggle with the same thing.  I pray that my journey will lead others towards Christ and that I might be able to inspire or encourage someone else along the way!

I'm not too sure what God has planned for me but I know that He promises prosperous things and a "future that I can hope for".  Christ didn't come just for the salvation of my soul but of my earthly body... in other words, that I might let Christ live in me as a "holy temple".

My goal is... to work out as much as a can, not giving my self limits but expectations.  To eat healthy as much as I possibly can, not making excuses as to why my body would need junk food... when I obviously know what it tastes like and how I end up wearing it on my body.  To view my self as "fearfully and wonderfully made" in the eyes of The Beholder.  To go to Christ in temptation, for no one knows it better than He.  To give myself grace when I deserve, especially when I don't think I need it yet Christ is telling me to.  To spend time every morning, afternoon, and evening drenching myself in the Word of God to etch His words on my heart.  To be thankful for every "healthy" step that I already take every day... knowing that not everyone is as "whole" as I am yet they have far more courage than I to make it!  To be motivated and to motivate others, to be encouraged by God's word and to encourage others!  To live in Christ every single day!

Thank you to my husband for loving my just the way I am but wanting the same goals that I want!  May I be the wife that you deserve, healthy and all, every day of our lives!

Thank you Maria for believing that my freedom comes every day, for being the sister in Christ I need at this point in my life!  May I somehow inspire you on this journey as payment for your inspiration!

So... "Loser's... TAKE YOUR MARK..."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you Tootsie! Love you!