Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Changing my "f" word

"Wow... this may be controversial to talk about", you may be thinking.  Don't worry it's not that word!   Goodness gracious!  My "f" word is "FOOL".  For years and years I have fooled my way through eating and now is the time when I have realized that I need to give it up.

Recently I had a conversation with my Momma about weight loss and what we were going to do about getting our weight off.  Through the course of the conversation I said something that really struck both of us... "No, I need to FUEL my body, not FOOL my body."  As of a week ago I started what will be my final and forever journey on Weight Watchers (or as I affectionately shorten to - WW) since I started in September of 2007.  No one forced me into it and no advertisement made me want it.  I wanted it and I realized how much I NEED IT.  Forever.  

For me, as I have explained before, this is my life long burden to bare.  In saying that I do not mean by any stretch of the mind that I have to accomplish it all.  This time I have to accomplish it with Jesus and on a daily basis.  DAILY BASIS PEOPLE!!!!!  Yes, it is a hard task but just like any other follower of Christ I will accomplish it with Him and Him alone.  He is the only person that I can make it possible for me to surrender on a daily basis.  It won't always be as hard as it once was but it will also never be easy.  In this whole process I will join with friends and share struggles and successes all while gaining victory through Christ.  My meetings are like AA meetings for Alcoholics, but ours is just OA for Overeater's Anonymous.

As of about a month ago I gave up... GULP... Peanut Butter or any other kind of nut butter.  It was a daunting task but it was also necessary.  It was a cold turkey FUEL not FOOL moment.  I could go through a jar of peanut butter per week.  Now, when I've told other people that they usually reply with "well like a little jar or one of the Sam's pack jars?"  Does it matter... a jar of peanut butter is a jar of peanut butter... but if you must know it was a regular jar!  Some of you might be saying, "but you're on WW so you can have whatever you want right?"  Correct, I can! :)  BUT... I have to ask myself, "am I fooling my body or fueling my body?"  I can eat a whole jar of peanut butter in a week on WW if I want but is it necessary for the fuel that my body needs to function?  NO!  Quickly think of something that is a vice for you... something that is not lethal but harmful to your life or health... would you put yourself in that situation?  The answer for me is, no.  Maybe one day it will be yes but for right now it is no.  For now I have chosen to fuel my body for health purposes.

There is another side my FUEL not FOOL dilemma.  As a Christian, am I feeding God's holy temple in the way He desires or in the way this world and my flesh desires?  This is the other side that I will explore more next time! 

For now, keep FUELing my friends!
