Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bumper Stickers!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know... You're thinking, 'why in the hell is she writing about bumper stickers?' Well, I have come to know that these little stickers are 'pick-me-ups' for the times in my life that I hit a really low point. Like right now. But hear me out... this is what it said... "I believe everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe less so you can only learn to trust yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together!" Good, right? I know, I know... now you're thinking, 'man, I'm glad she wrote this!' This was written by Marilyn Monroe... I know, it blew me away too! So, my point in writing this is to update you on my life... cause it has been a while! I have always been the person who believes and lives by the works and words of God... like, everything happens for a reason! People have changed recently in my life, no matter how hard I didn't want to get hurt by yet another best friend, change is always inevitable! My best friend, who I lived about 5 months of my life with, just wasn't the person who I thought she was. It still breaks my heart to this day but God is mending that together! And then, the man I though I was supposed to wait to marry, also broke my heart. Despite me telling him that I was pulling away because I didn't want to get hurt by another 'little boy' again... needless to say, he turned out to be another one of those 'little boys'! And another one of my friends who I took a 'break' from told me that breaks were childish and that this little 'break' could be permanent, I do really miss her but my life is so less dramatic than it was. So now, I'm just waiting for something else to fall apart so that everything else can fall into place. I miss each and every one of these people but it is time to let them go. My best friend, Aubrea, once told me - "if you love something, let it go; if it comes back it is yours forever!" So if it happens then it will. God will take care of me, I think my Northern Ireland trip is coming up for a reason. On and P.S. I'm going to Northern Ireland for two whole beautifully amazingly awesome months!!!!!!!!!! I just get relief talking about it!
I hate realizing that "I'm still in love with who I wish you were", 'little boys' are SO dumb! I just have to completely trust God to take care of me and wait for Him to bring 'my pursuer' to me!
Love and God bless!!!!!!!!!!!!!