Friday, January 25, 2013

Sigh of relief

On many notes.... One being my blog actually looks the way I want it to!  Now I won't be changing it until the fall.... Unless I get bored with it :)  Cute, huh?  I even have my buttons over here on the right!  YAY!  Super excited!  Hope you enjoy my renovation! Sorry for the mess before!

Now, on to the blogging:

My momma made it awesome thru surgery and recovery and she will be starting her radiation here soon!  NOTICE I didn't say CHEMO.  Thats right people, NO CHEMO!  God is ever so faithful to all those who have been on this prayerful journey with my momma!  Mom and I aren't taking this "cancer" thing too lightly.  We've been working out at least three days a week, I would love to ramp it up to five which I just might do this upcoming week!  So proud of you Momma!

On the weight loss subject... I will be... umm.... (*said with extreme hesitation*) posting my BEFORE picture on here so that you and I can see my progress!  This is a journey I need help on and want help on, especially when it comes to Jesus, because He is the only one who can ultimately change me.  My mentor Kristen has been a huge help to me on starting to find my daily victory with struggle of self-image and weight loss.  In talking to her the week before Christmas, while wrapping presents and chatting with her, I came to a HUGE realization for myself.  I can NO LONGER talking to those who struggle with food, as much as I do, about my addiction.  It gets me no where really, really fast.

So my resolve is to go to God first in hopes that I may be patience enough to discern His calling and second go to Kristen.  Why have I chosen Kristen to go to?  Well I didn't exactly choose her.  I would love to say that it was all my doing but it was really all God's doing.  God placed Kristen in my life as I had stepped into a women's bible study at Crossroads and sat down at the table with Kristen as our "leader".  From the moment I met Kristen, I felt that God had given me a "sigh of relief".  Little did I know that, that very "sigh of relief" moment would change my life and lead to many more sighs of relief.  Throughout the rest of our bible study time together I started watching her wonderful, energetic, and loving four children; each who, might I add, have a completely unique personalities and flare to each one of them.  Kristen is a person who I see as one who God intentionally put into my life for such a time as this, and while I hope it will be for a long, long time I know that maybe it won't and for each moment that we share together I drive away cherishing each word she has imparted upon me.  Kristen doesn't struggle with self-image like I do, she doesn't struggle with body-image like I do, and quite frankly Kristen doesn't get what I exactly struggle with (not that I could really know any better) but that is the point.  Kristen is God's eyes in human form, she sees (from a woman's perspective) how I could struggle with it and helps me to achieve victory in these areas (and MANY more), she sees me for who I am and sees the sin I am in and shows me through God's Word how to turn back towards God.

So while I'm telling you my beginning steps I'm also wanting to say thanks to Kristen (and Dave, they've been like spiritual parents to me and I'm thankful for you too Dave).  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, soul, and mind for being the very person I needed all along to help me see myself through God's eyes. Thank you for letting me love your kids!  It's a joy and honor!

Another resolve of mine is to see myself through my husbands eyes.  I don't give him enough time or credit for the ways in which he loves me but he still tries though my attitude isn't the greatest every day.  I hope that I can give back my best to you, love, every single day.  I hope that I can start seeing myself through your eyes ... beautiful and free.  This journey that we're on hasn't been so easy but we're doing it and I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to walk through life with, except you... and Jesus!  There's not a day that goes by that you don't tell or show me how you love me or tell me that I'm beautiful!  Here's to walking towards spring together! :)  You are my constant "sigh of relief" in this season of storms that we're in.  Aaron, along with the rest of the world (including myself), doesn't get why in the world I am the way that I am but thank goodness he continues to help me, even when I don't know what I need help on!  I love you forever and always, no matter what happens!

And one more thanks to my beautiful friend Arielle who took these breathtaking photos, I don't know how you do it but I'm sure thankful you did! Check out my friend at Arielle Elise

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanking God for his precious gift of you in our lives baby girl! Love you!