Tuesday, May 31, 2011

to speak or not to speak... is that the question?

There are parts of this topic that I myself have personally been effected by and other parts in which I am still tormented on a daily basis with. I hate that is has taken me this long to realize how strong my passion is about this until someone asked me this weekend, "... don't you think the Church should speak out about this more?" Ever since I was asked I can't get it off my mind and it quite frankly has made me angry that I haven't said anything or that the Church doesn't say anything because it is a "touchy" subject or that people are just too afraid to offend someone. I've come to realize that if I do offend someone then it's probably a good thing because they've actually thought about the subject.

Body dysmorphic disorder. Anorexia nervosa. Low self-esteem. Bulimia nervosa. Low self-confidence. Eating disorders. Depression. Body image issues.

Some of us deal with only one, some of us have dealt with more than one, and sometimes more than one at the same time. It is a common attack among women, especially those in the teenage years. For me it seems like it has effected me my whole life. I have tried to cover my problem with so many things and no matter how much my weigh drops down, I will never, NEVER beat my problem if I don't ask for help... God's help. I am not, nor is anyone else, made to crave food. I am made to crave Christ. How is that so hard to understand for girls these days? Why is it so hard for me to get it in my head?

'On the road to beautiful' is a journey that will not end until I reach my goal of Christ, in the flesh, face to face. The actual song "On the Road to Beautiful" is one of my favorite worship songs but one of the lines that resonates with me the most is "teach me how to cling to you, with all my life and all my love..." It is something that I really truly desire for my life and I would love for it to be seen from everyone except for just me. I would hate to have to say that these issues are something that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life but I sure hope I won't have to! It's something that has gotten the best of me at times and has most definitely won but there are also days when I realize the only way to win is to give it completely over to Christ! He is my Champion, He is Life!

So lets not stop talking about this with our children, friends, and youth. Let them be offended, let them know how much you care. Now, I'm not saying to ask them about it every day but to just show them that you care... speak truth in love! This is something that should be talked about and you would be surprised as how many people deal with it. I'm sure this won't be my last post on this subject so stay tuned friends! For now... enjoy your journey! :)

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